Day7 Assignment

Using Rubistar

I used to consider that editing a test paper or whatever question paper is piece of terrible job,cuz teachers need to type hundreds of words into a piece of paper and choose the proper layout.Actually we can use some apps to help us,such as rubistar,who can provide a standard layout of question paper.I tried to make one and feel about its convennience.


Testmoz & Wenjuanxing

Those two apps are mainly focus on making small questionnaires.The differences is Wenjuanxing can post your online paper and gather people to help complete your report.Nowadays questionnaires become very popular in getting feedback cuz its simplicity and efficiency.If teachers need to know ideas fro parents officially,this will be a helpful way.



Day6 Assignment

The most impressive sentence I heard today is,giving children the way of thingking.It’s a big problenm now,less and less people grasp their own way of facing life,difficulties,they prefer searching at first and copy other’s experience instead of trying by themselves at first and making progress with own ability.The same in early childhood education.Teachers like to give a difination,just like the ordianry Chinese adults.That’s partly cuz of traditional realization,and the apathy of change.I want to be an innovator.

My Audio

Day5 Assignment

Making My Own Audio

At first I want to say,I have really thinked about making audio myself before cuz the convennient and popular network,Youtube,where people can share their ideas and explanation about scientific princeples freely.But I gived up for it’s too difficult for me to learn the producing software.

Now as the necessary of my job,I tried to make my own audio by powerpoint.It’s an interesting experience.To be frank,I didn’t know powerpoint can gather pictures and voice together untill this class.Though I’m not good at making it now,I think I can get rid of searching others’ work and do work related to my course directly.

My Audio


Day4 Assignment

To be frank,making website by ourselves interseted me very much,so I really like today’s work.I used to image design a personal website,but it seems need a lot of time and professional software.Website is a place on the Internet where you can write down whatever you like to dispaly to others.Web page is one of them and show others a piece of your mind.Web page is more free cuz you can pick up several pieces of ideas together without rigit format.

With WordPress,I can make my own webpage easily,but I still met some problems during my work.One of it is to design the plate of page.A wonderful design can attract people’s attention so I want to hold their interests once they open my webpage.Finally I exchange my ideas with my classmate an find out the last version.

My Website

Day3 Assignment

About ClassDojo

fa5a8149fa7d0cd6effa7271ef78cea7Another new day,and new app once again!To be frank,I have already realized there will be an app especially designed for the connection among teachers,students and parents.But I never realize that we need such a complex structure.

In my mind,Wechat has so strong function that almost everyone can join a certain discussion group freely.By contrast,attending network is more difficult cuz people need computers in order to edit or read some contents.If there is no similar app on the cellphone,I won’t consider to use it myself and suggest parents to use it.No one want to waste time on getting familiar with complex app,right?

e68d95e88eb7I’m gonna being optimistic about the prospect of this kind app lading on cellphone.The tendency of this time is the convenience and universal spread of cellphone.So businessmen won’t ignore the resource in early childhood education which can provide a wide affection and interests.In a word,I’ll keep waiting and seeing.

About Padlet

We use the other app which is called padlet.It’s quite new for me cuz we don’t often use display board for daily plan.But I have imagined that making details together and enjoy such kind of way to collect missions.Then Padlet give that chance.I can stick imortant clues wherever on the electronic board.My group members can catch my ideas easily through visiting my Padlet so the cooperation can be more efficient.I like it very much.

My Padlet

Day2 Assignment

The concept of flipped class is quite novel for me who has got familiar with traditional education mode.It’s a helpful tool for teachers,I think,cuz they don’t have to teach everything to students one by one.With audio prepared before classes,techers can even show some unusual examples to us directly.Many limits are no longer exist in the lessons.

In fact,I’m glad to enjoy this way of teaching.As a Chinese local student,the biggest worry in the class is being asked questions from teachers.Talking with teachers make me feel uncomfortable cuz I don’t want to give a wrong answer in the public.Online discussions make it more relaxed to share my ideas,making surveys and researches are also interesting cuz exchange ideas and combine others’ suggestions is very efficient.(Survey

I’m also interested in giving flipped lessons  in my teaching career.Children can express their wonderful minds freely and certain survey can show me a direct recognization of teaching quality.But what I’m worrying about is that,is this teaching way available in Chinese schools.People don’t suggest to pay too much expense in courses and the social tendency makes parents prefer extra courses rather than regular school courses.So many problems need to be worked out.

Self-introduce & Feelings after Day1

My name is Zhengyao Zhang and I go by Eason.I’m a native from Pudong,Shanghai.It’s quite difficult for me to adapt such quick steps at the beginning of new term.So I still need some time to change.

It’s my first time to upload assignment on the blog,which makes me feel curious.Although it took so long for edit my page and some problems  still hadn’t been worked out,I got new feelings about learning.So I’m expecting for next lesson.Of course,I don’t want to have so much work to do these days cuz we are having millitary training and have to wake up at early time.When I write this post,there is still extra training waiting for us.

I haven’t think carefully about my own teaching style.But as a person who insists trying new things,I want to give children new feelings at every class.So I wonder classes with new materials,different tools and advanced electronic products.Teaching way in local kindergarten is very rigid,I think.I don’t have a big ambitious to change our teaching mode,but I’d like to add something different in both childern’s and my life.